Xolo has been much popular in its home country India for releasing mid-ranged smartphones. This time, Xolo announced its one more midranger Opus 3 in India. The smartphone is having main focus on its wide angle 5MP front-facing camera.
The midranger Opus 3 has got a quad core 1.3GHz Mediatek MTK6582M chipset with 1GB RAM inside. Aside from that, the remaining specifications are pretty well stacked up. The Xolo Opus 3 has a 5-inch 720p IPS screen, 8 GB in-built memory expandable via microSD card slot, 2500 mAh battery and runs on Android Kitkat. It has also got a Sony-built 8MP autofocus rear camera with 1080p video recording.
The exact date for availability of Xolo Opus 3 is not yet clear, however, it will be accessible in short time for INR 8499/-.
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