Less than 24 hours left for Xiaomi to celebrate their first birthday in India. Xiaomi is expected to make multiple announcements for their upcoming products. One such rumoured announcement is the revealing of 32GB version of Xiaomi Mi 4i. A recent teaser revealed by company shows the matchsticks puzzle. Looking at the puzzle we can assume that Xiaomi is intending to double up the memory capacity of the device.
According to Xiaomi VP Hugo Barra, the manufacturer will be increasing the capacity of memory in Mi 4i. In the current available version it is only 16GB without the support of microSD card slot. Adding to this he stated that they can’t make the changes to the native model without compromising on increasing its size or providing smaller battery. They also strongly feel that addition of microSD card slot affects the performance of the phone drastically.
The Xiaomi Mi 4i sports a 5inch screen with 1080x1920p resolution making it a 441ppi device. Powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 615 with an octa-core 1.7GHz CPU and the Adreno 405 GPU, it has 2GB of RAM with 3,120mAh battery to keep the engine on. Adorning a 13MP rear snapper and 5MP selfie camera it supports 4G LTE connectivity. It runs on MIUI 6 based on Android 5.0 out of the box.
This is first time in last few weeks Xiaomi is in news not for its new Xiaomi Band or Xiaomi Mi 5 smartphone. Those who have been waiting for the 32GB Xiaomi, lookslike their wait is over and the fruits have been ripened to taste.