Following the Ex Parte order from Delhi High Court, Xiaomi stopped further sales in India for its Redmi 1S and the Redmi Note. Their official page been updated and instead of merchandise page you’ll notice the text ‘A Letter to Indian Mi Fans‘.
The text content on the Xiaomi Website for Mi Lovers affirms that ban on Xiaomi sales is temporary and Company might resume shortly.
Xiaomi has mentioned; they are made to freeze the sales as a law abiding business. Their legal team is reviewing the matter sincerely to solve the problem earliest. Xiaomi also mentioned that they have loved the 5 months period while in India and wants to continue with the same spirit. Here is the text from Xiaomi to its Indian fans.
A Letter To Indian Mi Fans
Dear Mi fans,
We have been committed to continue our sales of Redmi Note and Redmi 1S devices in India. In the last 2 days alone, we received over 150,000 registrations for Redmi Note on Flipkart and the momentum has been terrific.
However, we have been forced to suspend sales until further notice due to an order passed by the Delhi High Court. As a law abiding company, we are investigating the matter carefully and assessing our legal options.
Our sincere apologies to all Indian Mi fans! Please rest assured that we’re doing all we can to revert the situation. We have greatly enjoyed our journey with you in India over the last 5 months and we firmly intend to continue it!
Stay tuned for more information.
(on behalf of the Mi India team)