After launching the Redmi 2 Prime in India, the China-based company has announced the second India-made smartphone, the Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime. However, if you will go into the deep, there is nothing to get excited. The company just released the old stuff with a new name. The below specification details may remind you the old Redmi Note 4G.
Specs-wise, the Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime features a 5.5-inch HD IPS display, a 13-megapixel primary camera, a 5MP selfie snapper, and Android 4.4 KitKat based MIUI7. Under the hood is a Snapdragon 410 SoC with a 1.2GHz quad-core processor. The phone comes with 4G LTE and dual-SIM support. It packs 2GB of RAM along with 16GB built-in memory with expandable support. A 3,100mAh battery keeps the device running.
Commenting on the launch, Manu Jain, Xiaomi’s India Head, said –
With the launch of Redmi Note Prime, we are glad to provide our Mi Fans an opportunity to upgrade to an even more powerful smartphone with an expanded memory and dual-SIM capabilities.
The 3100mAh high-capacity battery, coupled with MIUI optimizations, has enabled Redmi Note Prime to achieve the most impressive battery performance yet. Local manufacturing shows Xiaomi’s commitment to being a part of fabric of India and we are truly excited to roll out our second ‘Made in India’ offering for our Mi fans.
Priced at Rs. 8,499 (approx. $125), the Redmi Note Prime will be available for purchase through Amazon India and, starting December 15th.
At last, you may want to see the comparison of Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime and the Redmi Note 4G. So here is a quick comparison of key specs of both the devices.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G | Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime |
5.5 inch display (1280×720 pixels) | 5.5 inch display (1280×720 pixels) |
13-megapixel rear camera, 5-megapixel front-facing camera | 13-megapixel rear camera, 5-megapixel front-facing camera |
3,100mAh battery | 3,100mAh battery |
Dimension – 154 x 78.7 x 9.45 mm, Weight – 185g | Dimension – 154 x 78.7 x 9.45 mm, Weight – 185g |
4G LTE connectivity for band 3 and band 40 | 4G LTE connectivity for band 3 and band 40 |
Android 4.4 KitKat (MIUI 7) | Android 4.4 KitKat (MIUI 7) |
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 400 with quad-core 1.6GHz CPU | Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 410 with quad-core 1.2GHz CPU |
2GB of RAM, 8GB memory expandable up to 64GB | 2GB of RAM, 16GB storage expandable up to 32GB |