The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 has been a huge success even though it launched initially only in China. The phone was then launched in India just recently and thousands of people registered for the sale. The Redmi Note 3 packs great specifications and comes at a very lucrative price, which is the sole reason for its popularity. And if you are thinking of buying this phone for yourself, wait, you can probably get it for free!


Well, we have decided to give a nice gift to our loyal readers, which is why we are conducting this Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 giveaway. All you have to do is follow the rules of the giveaway, and at the end of the contest, we will randomly select one lucky winner and will send him/her a brand new Redmi Note 3.

You can enter the giveaway via below Gleam widget which will announce the random winner on completion of the competition. Do remember, the more you share, like and follow, the more chances are of your winning.


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