Xiaomi launched a new variant of Mi Notebook Air during an event today. The new version is called Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 4G. Instead of releasing a new generation of the laptop (it was too early for that after all since the Mi Notebook Air was revealed in July), Xiaomi presented an upgraded version of the Mi Notebook. The device runs Windows 10, and is made in collaboration with China Telecom, allowing it to natively support China Telecom’s network meaning that no SIM card is needed.
No 4K Display Resolution, Just 1080p
The current version of the device offers a 13.3-inch (or a 12.5-inch one) display with 1080p (1920×1080) resolution. Rumors, talking how the successor will sport a 4K resolution display, were wrong since Xiaomi decided to keep a 1080p resolution display in the Mi Notebook Air 4G, available in both screen sizes (12.5-inches and 13.3-inches). A bit disappointing, but it’s not the first time rumors proven completely wrong.
Powerful Hardware
The original model (13.3-inch version) included Intel i5 6200U, 8 gigs of RAM, an NVidia 940MX graphics card, and 256 GB of SSD storage. Not bad (in fact, the hardware is great for the price).
The Mi Notebook Air 4G packs sixth gen Intel Core i7 (2 cores, 4 threads, max clock speed of 3.0GHz) processor, NVidia GeForce GTX 940MX graphics card, 8GB of DDR4 RAM, and a 256GB SSD (PCIe). The new i7 CPU should provide 10 more power over the i5 used in the original model. The smaller (12.5-inch) version is equipped with Intel Core M3 processor, 4GB of RAM, and 128GB SSD (SATA). There is a slot for housing an additional SSD on both models. Basically, the only worthy upgrade is the presence of the Core i7 CPU.
Both models support Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth v4.1, AKG dual speakers, and Dolby Digital surround sound. Both models pack an HDMI port, two USB 3.0 ports, a USB Type-C port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Battery can last up to 11.5 hours on the 12.5-inch model, and up to 9.5 hours on the 13.3-inch model
4G LTE Support
The Mi Notebook Air 4G model sports a 4G LTE mobile data support, which should make it even better. The device won’t need a Wi-Fi connection. The feature was made in collaboration with China Telecom, with no SIM card slot and with 4 GB of free 4G data every month (48 GB per year).
No Design Changes
The device doesn’t bring any radical design changes. Not that they were needed since the Mi Notebook Air already looks stunning. The device may end a bit thicker (dimension details are not available yet), but other than that the Mi Notebook Air 4G bears the same design as its older brother.
The smaller model is 12.9 mm thick and weighs in at 1.07 kg. the larger model weighs 1.28kg and is 14.8mm thick.
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air sports a solid price of CNY 4,999 (Rs 51,400; $720) for the 13.3-inches version and CNY 3,499 (Rs 35,300; $500) for the 12.5-inch version; great price for the hardware found inside it. The new Mi Notebook Air 4G has been priced for CNY 6,999 (approx Rs. 69,500) for the 13.3-inch version and CNY 4,699 (approx Rs. 46,500) for the 12.5-inch version. The price is relatively high, but since both models natively support 4G connectivity, it is justified.