Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ and its shipments are slated to begin on April 21. However, Xiaomi will be launching the Mi 6 and Mi 6 Plus smartphone three days before it on April 19. One major similarity between the Galaxy S8 duo and Mi 6 duo is the Snapdragon 835 chipset. Xiaomi seems to be testing the performance of the Mi 6 flagship as its Geekbench benchmark scores have surfaced.
On Geekbench, the Xiaomi Mi 6 has scored 2006 points in the single-core test. In the multi-core test, the phone has scored 6438 points. The scores appear really impressive, but there could be several factors that may have helped the Mi 6 to record such scores.
The first reason could be the presence of lower clocked Snapdragon 835 chipset. The SD 835 can reach the highest processing speed of up to 2.45 GHz, but the test device featuring the same chipset works at 1.9 GHz. Another reason is that the Mi 6 is expected to come with a full HD screen which can consume lesser power than most flagships from other companies featuring quad HD screens.
Few days before the official launch of Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ smartphones, the rumor mill had revealed the Geekbench benchmarks for Snapdragon 835 and Exynos 8895 variants of Galaxy S8+. The Snapdragon 835 powered Galaxy S8+ scored 1929 and 6084 points on single and multi-core tests, respectively. On the other side, the Exynos 8895 variants of Galaxy S8+ scored 1978 and 6375 points on single and multi-core tests, respectively.
The comparison of the Geekbench scores between Xiaomi Mi 6 and Galaxy S8+ suggest that the Mi 6 may offer better performance. It should also be noted that the of Mi 6 test device used on Geekbench features 6 GB of RAM whereas the Galaxy S8+ has 4 GB of RAM. Both the phones are running on the latest version of Android Nougat OS.
According to leaked information that has surfaced on Weibo, the Xiaomi Mi 6 is rumored to feature only 4 GB of RAM for its storage models like 64 GB and 128 GB. These models are expected to be available with a respective pricing of 2,199 Yuan ($319) and 2,599 Yuan ($377). The Xiaomi Mi 6 Plus is pegged to feature 6 GB of RAM for its storage variants like 64 GB, 128 GB and 256 GB. These variants are speculated to cost 2,699 Yuan ($392), 3,099 Yuan ($450) and 3,699 Yuan ($537), respectively. Since the Geekbench score shows the presence of 6 GB of RAM for Xiaomi’s flagship phone, it is likely that the test device could be the Xiaomi Mi 6 Plus smartphone.