Microsoft is going all out to ensure that all PCs run their latest OS, Windows 10. The total market share of Windows 10 has been on the rise ever since its release and it is still going up. Now, a new strategy is being deployed by Microsoft. A forum on Reddit stated that some users have received an automatic upgrade to Windows 10 on their Windows 7 PCs. The upgrade allegedly starts without the permission of the user. Other users confirmed this on the forum and this can be seen from the comments section.
Starting from 2016, Windows 10 will be released as a recommended update to the users. This simply means that when a user installs new patches and fixes released by Microsoft, the new OS will also be included in that. Also, users may have marked the option for Windows 10 update in this month’s Patch. Hence, it is not completely without the user’s permission. Please note that the upgrade starts automatically, but users will be prompted to continue with it or not.
Everything depends on the Windows update settings the users has selected. The settings will cause the initiation of the upgrade process but users will have a choice to install it or stick with the older versions. Another great feature that Microsoft has incorporated with the upgrade is the ability to downgrade to previous versions of the OS. This can be done within 30 days of installing Windows 10. People who don’t like the OS can downgrade to either Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. If your PC has been upgraded automatically, leave your opinions in the comments section below.