Microsoft seems to be planning to add a camera button on the lock screen in an upcoming Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary update, earlier known as Redstone. Tap and Holding the camera button on the lock screen for a second will launch the camera, making it easier for smartphones without a dedicated camera key.
WinBeta shared an image revealing the button to the left of the Windows key on the lock screen.
The official release for the Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary is scheduled sometime later in summer, but we might get to see the feature in next build coming this week. It’s a pretty novel idea, and will surely fasten up the process of launching the camera app on a Windows device.
Windows 10 Mobile Build 14316 was expected to be released earlier this week, but due to a cellular data bug, the same had to be postponed at the very last minute.
As of now, there is no clear date available for the next Windows 10 Mobile build, but we can expect the same to land anytime once the issues are resolved. Let us know in the comments section below what you make of this idea.