WhatsApp has been consistently getting updated with new features. Reports suggest that the highly popular messaging platform will debut two features such as the ability to unsend sent messages and sharing of live locations.

Recently, WhatsApp had introduced a new feature that would let users send multiple contacts simultaneously to the recipients. Earlier this year, it also added a new feature that allows users to share auto-expiring status messages with photos and videos. The new features are first introduced in WhatsApp beta and are then made available on the regular app after some time. Now, new features like revoking of sent messages and live location sharing have appeared on WhatsApp beta which indicates these features will be soon made available to other users.

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WhatsApp Unsend Feature

This feature will let users to unsend messages with a time limit of 5 minutes. According to the WABetaInfo Twitter channel that provides information on latest features coming to WhatsApp, iOS users will be able to receive it after the upcoming iOS official update.  This indicates that the iOS users will be the first ones to get access to this new feature. No doubt, this is really going to help people as this can be a handy feature for revoking messages that are sent by mistake to the contacts.

WhatsApp Live Location Sharing

Through this feature, WhatsApp users will be able to share their location in real-time to their contacts. It can be a very vital security feature that would allow users to share their live location in case of emergency.

Both the aforementioned features are now available for Android users through WhatsApp beta. It means in order to access these features, users will have to enroll in WhatsApp beta program through this page. Only those Android devices that are preinstalled with a custom Marshmallow ROM with root access along with Xposed framework installed can get access to the new features available on WhatsApp beta.


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