This new year came with a bit of a surprise for the WhatsApp users some older devices. The company has stopped offering its services on some older devices, and the users wouldn’t be able to use WhatsApp anymore.


In a blog post, WhatsApp announced that anyone using Android 2.2 or earlier, an iPhone 3GS or iOS 6 and Windows Phone 7 would find that their app has stopped working. The company also advised the people using the above-mentioned phones to switch to a newer phone if they want to continue using WhatsApp.

It is worth noting that the market share of the affected phones is very low. Just 0.1 percent of the devices are running Android 2.2 Froyo, while 2.6 percent are the devices that have iOS 6. iPhone 3GS is itself a 7-year old phone and Windows Phone 7 is also in a similar situation.

The company says that the older phones aren’t capable enough to support all the features that the company might bring in the future. Security features were also emphasised in the blog post indicating towards better and deeply integrated encryption feature. WhatsApp will also be benefitted as it will now be able to introduce new updates faster. It is expected that WhatsApp will bring a new feature to allow people edit or delete a message after it has been sent in 2017.

WhatsApp was also expected to stop supporting BlackBerry and Nokia devices alongside the above-mentioned list, but the company extended its support till June 30, 2017. An update was added to the blog stating devices running BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10, Nokia S40 and Nokia Symbian S60 will be able to run WhatsApp until 30 June this year.


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