Popular social networking app, WhatsApp has received a major feature which allows you to quickly reply to a particular message. This feature was previously seen in the communication app ‘Slack’. There were some reports saying the same that WhatsApp is apparently testing this feature internally and it is now official in the form of beta build 2.16.141.

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Though the update is only for beta testers and the users who have enrolled themselves as a beta tester will receive the update and other users need to wait for the official update. To enrol yourself as a beta tester, go to this link https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.whatsapp and follow the on-screen instructions.

Coming to the feature added in WhatsApp Messenger 2.16.141 beta update, you can reply to a specific message in any chat, which is really cool. All you need to do is ” tap on a particular message and hit the reply button at the top of the screen and send your reply to that particular message itself”.

There are no specific features added apart from this quick reply. The official changelog is as follows:

Reply to specific messages in any chat. Just tap and hold on any message and tap the reply button at the top of the screen. You can even tap on the quoted part of the message to scroll up to the original message.

If you are not a enrolled user for beta testing, you need to download WhatsApp APK and install it on your device manually. For APK Download, you can visit some mirror hosting sites such as apkmirror.com or APKPolice.com.


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