WhatsApp has been the all-time favourite instant messenger for not only Android users but also the users of different platforms like iOS, Windows, Symbian (almost extinct), and BlackBerry OS (almost extinct too). Even though several other messaging apps like WeChat, Viber, LINE, etc. have gained success in the Android instant messaging section, WhatsApp was practically the first to give us a taste of free online messaging without needing SMS service.
Since its first day of release, the free WhatsApp Android app has come a long way and many features have been added to it. Though the normal idea of being able to chat with friends using emoji, images, videos, voice, etc. has always been the fundamental part of WhatsApp, several major additions like Last Seen Hidden feature, Voice Call, etc. have made the app even more loveable. Well, a new WhatsApp update for Android is here, and it bumps up the latest WhatsApp version to 2.12.421 (450873). The total file size is now increased to 26.69 MB, and this update requires Android 2.1 or above.
As of now, we haven’t found any significant changes in this new beta update, though we do expect some bug fixes, UI tweaks, and performance enhancements under the hood. Installing this update might just make your WhatsApp even faster.
The latest update is now available on all popular mirror sites like APKPure.com.