The developers at WhatsApp do not seem to be resting at all nowadays and have been rolling out updates for the app continuously. The regular updates, whether small or big, bring a lot of improvements to WhatsApp. One such update has been released today, and it’s WhatsApp for iPhone that has got updated to version 2.12.16.
The new WhatsApp 2.12.16 update brings some minor changes to the iPhone app. A lot of users were complaining recently that the app was having some performance issues. Well, this latest update fixes all those buggy issues, and the app is much more stable now than earlier. Also, the new WhatsApp update for iPhone lets you save received media for particular chats in contact info or group info. You also can quick reply to WhatsApp messages now by pulling down the in-app notifications.
Also, when you miss a voice call on WhatsApp, the notification will be showed inside the chat of the user who made that call. The latest WhatsApp for iPhone version 2.12.16 allows you to send PDF files to others via WhatsApp, but the recipients should have the same or latest WhatsApp version to receive the documents.
How To Download and Install WhatsApp 2.12.16 On iPhone
WhatsApp 2.12.16 for iPhone is now available to download from the App Store directly. Just go to the store and search for WhatsApp. Update the app and you will get the latest version on your iPhone. Alternatively, you can follow the source link below to get the latest WhatsApp update for iPhone.