WhatsApp is getting a new update on Android today and has been bumped up to version number 2.16.342. The new WhatsApp 2.16.342 APK download file is 31.64 MB in size and weighs 451489. This update is compatible with all devices running Android 2.3.4 or later. The new release is now rolling out to the Google Play Store’s beta program, and you’ll get it automatically if you are a member of the program.


The new WhatsApp update for Android does not bring any new features or even any new changelog with it. So expect just bug fixes and the usual improvements for stability and performance. In case you don’t know, the WhatsApp video calling feature is now available, but only in the beta version of the app. Both the users should be using the latest WhatsApp beta to try out the feature. The new feature will be rolled out to the stable app soon.

There’s another new feature that has been introduced in the latest WhatsApp beta update. It is simply called WhatsApp “Status” and is similar to the “Stories” feature in Snapchat. There will be a new separate tab named “Status” alongside the existing “Calls” and “Chats” tabs. You can add an image to your status and also see who viewed your status. This feature too will soon be seen in the stable versions of the app.

So you can download WhatsApp APK latest version from APKPolice.com and enjoy all the new features right now for free.


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