WhatsApp has evolved a lot over time and new features have been included at regular intervals. Though the video calling feature is still nowhere to be seen, the developers have been adding significant features to the app. The recent major update saw the addition of support for some more languages and a lot of new emojis. Also, the update brought Google Drive Backup so that users can save their chats to the Drive easily and quickly. This update was followed by many short updates for making the new features smoother and stabler.
Well, another one of those smaller updates has been released yesterday. This latest WhatsApp APK download file comes with version number 2.12.473 and runs on Android 2.1+ devices. It weighs a total of 26.89 MB, which is hardly differentiable from the previous update.
As for the changes, this new WhatsApp update for Android devices only comes with bug fixes and performance improvements. This is fine by the way, considering the fact that a few significant additions were done in the previous major update a week ago. But if you use WhatsApp daily, you should keep it updated to the latest version to ensure a smooth user experience.
You can download WhatsApp 2.12.473 APK by visiting APK Mirror.