A new WhatsApp update for Android has been released today by the developers, who have made it available in the beta program of the Google Play Store. The latest WhatsApp beta release comes with version number 2.16.331 (build number 451475) and is also available as APK download from APK4fun.com.

whatsapp download

The new WhatsApp 2.16.331 APK download file weighs 31.35 MB and can be installed on Android 2.3.4+ smartphones and tablets. Beta apps usually come with bugs, but WhatsApp is already quite stable, so you may use this version of the app without any major hiccups. Do note that you will not get any new features with this new update except performance improvements and bug fixes.

However, if you haven’t updated WhatsApp on your Android device in a while, you should know the changes that have been made to the app recently. First of all, the much-awaited and much-asked-for video calling feature in WhatsApp is finally available. Of course, it’s only available in the latest beta versions of the app on Android, and you will be able to use it only if you and the person you are video calling are using the latest WhatsApp beta.

Apart from there, new emojis have been added and if you send a single emoji, it will be larger in size. You can also add emojis and text to videos and photos or draw over them using a brush of your preferred size or color.

So have you updated to the latest WhatsApp version on Android?


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