Since years, WhatsApp has remained the best messaging app for smartphones across all major mobile platforms. Not only does it offer a simplistic, no-nonsense messaging system, it keeps receiving new updates that add newer features to the app and bring important changes to it regularly. The app already got some new features recently, but the updates haven’t stopped coming in.

whatsapp apk download for android

A new WhatsApp APK update for Android has been released yesterday, and this takes up the version number to 2.16.28 (build 451094). The new update, unlike some previous ones, does not introduce any fresh features or UI changes in the app. However, we can always expect improvements in the speed and overall performance of the app.

If you want to download the latest version of WhatsApp on your Android device, you can get WhatsApp 2.16.28 APK. The APK install file is 27.66 MB in size and works on all Android mobiles and tablets. But do note that this is a beta version and is not available in the Play Store. Beta builds can sometimes be buggy and cause little issues like crashes, slowdowns, etc. However, it is still worth trying out. You can download WhatsApp for Android v2.16.28 (APK) from the source link given below.


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