In case you haven’t noticed, WhatsApp has been receiving some really significant updates since the last few weeks. The first of the new features we noticed was new emojis, after which we got the new option for sharing PDF documents via WhatsApp. Then pinch-to-zoom was added for videos received in and played through WhatsApp, and images and documents could now be shared via OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.
More recently, the camera UI in WhatsApp got a whole new design, and the app became new secure after developers enabled end-to-end encryption a couple of days back. So yes, WhatsApp is much more secure now and has got some new options and changes to play around with. As most of you must already be knowing, a new WhatsApp APK update is released almost every day, and today we are going to tell you about the latest update.
If you want to download WhatsApp for Android, it has been bumped up to version 2.16.19 (build 451085). This is a stable release and the latest WhatsApp APK download file is 27.73 MB large. It works with all Android tablets and smartphones. This update does come with any new features though, but it does bring general fixes and overall improvement, so it’s worth downloading.
You can download WhatsApp 2.16.19 APK from