WhatsApp has got updated to version 2.16.118 today on Android, and the new WhatsApp APK download file is now available to download. The new file comes with build number 451202 and weighs 28.43 MB, and it can be installed on all Android devices. This is a beta build and you can download it from Aptoid.com.


A significant feature has been added to the app with the WhatsApp 2.16.118 APK update. If you update to this version and then select any message in any conversation, a reply button will be shown. This is basically an option to quote a message, and it works in a very simply way. Whether you are in a group or one-on-one conversation in WhatsApp, just select a message and you will see a Reply button on the upper part of the screen. Tap on it and you can then add your reply while the quoted message will be shown over it.

After you quote a message and send it with a reply, the original message is shown with the original sender’s name, and your reply is shown right below it. This is a very helpful feature especially for group chats when you want to address someone directly or want to comment on something someone said. You can quote anyone, including yourself.

To get this new feature, download WhatsApp APK latest version for Android by going to Aptoid.com.


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