WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most popular instant messaging app in vogue nowadays, used by over 1 billion people on a regular basis. Developers of WhatsApp have rolled out several updates to add features to make it more user-friendly and the result of their efforts is that now it is the king of all instant messaging apps.


However, Windows users have not been so lucky when it comes to owning the latest version of the popular chatting app. WhatsApp has been focusing more on android users and this explains why Windows smartphones are the last in line to receive the latest version. WhatsApp has just released the 2.12.314 version for Windows users. This new update comes with an added ‘Document’ button for facilitating sending of documents. Also, the app will warn users that a document can only be shared with those only who have already installed the latest update.

The new version comes with improved processing for compressing video files. However, only a few number of Windows owners can install this beta version on their handsets. Still there is no news as of yet when it will be finally launched for all Windows users. The new beta version can be downloaded directly from the official Windows Store.

We have also come across rumours that WhatsApp might add Video Calling in the near future. However, Android users will be the first to try this new feature followed by iOS and other OSs.


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