Top Gun, an iconic movie, released in 1986, did the groundwork for Tom Cruise in Hollywood. His itsy bitsy looks, intermixed with his charismatic smile and perfect deliverable of dialogues, is what he got known for, from Top Gun. Since its release, the history it made in Hollywood, a different version of Top Gun or a sequel or a prequel was expected from the team of Top Gun but there was no confirmation for the same.


But years later, and tons of rumours flying off the edge of Hollywood magazines, now it is confirmed that Top gun 2 is in the process of execution. And this has been confirmed by the actor, Tom Cruise himself. In an interview with a leading magazine, when asked about the ongoing rumours around Top Gun 2, the actor confirmed that “Yes, we are discussing it”. Jerry Bruckheimer and Val Kilmer will also be on board as a part of the team but the script part still has to be discussed.

Rumours started flying around in January this year, with a breezy tweet done by Jerry Bruckheimer. But after January, news about Top Gun 2 got shy but the buzz started again when David Ellison who is the chief executive officer of Skydance Productions, confirmed the news about the same. He said” “It is very much set in today where we have drone technology and fifth-generation fighters. It’s exploring the end of an era of dogfighting and fighter pilots,”.


Val Kilmer also announced his part in the movie on Facebook. Top Gun, when released in the year 1986, became the highest grossing movie of that year, earning around £222 million all over the world. The soundtrack of the movie was also a sensational hit. We just can’t wait now, can we?


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