Tom Clancy has been popular with major spy-shooter labels such as Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell. Tom Clancy’s The Division which is one of the major games set to sweep 2016 will see its beta test late January.

tom clancy the division beta

The game publisher, Ubisoft, made this announcement, Friday on twitter saying tests on PS4 and PC will be a three days event, from January 29 through 31. However, Xbox One users have been promised the early bird view and will be able to log in from January 28.

The Division is about an autonomous unit of tactical agents trying to contain a false apocalyptic crisis in New York City aftermath of a mysterious disease leaves the city partially empty and the inhabitants in disarray. The game balances between MMORPG and tactical shooter. It will likely take the form of duck-and-shoot gameplay.

As part of the agent of The Division, you can specialize and level up your skills and weapon in the fight to win over New York City.

Though Intel has it that the game is set for launch by March 8, Developer Massive Entertainment has kept quiet as regards the development of the game. Earlier, Ubisoft delayed its preorder, opting for a small, closed kind of testing instead.

Notwithstanding that an Italian language video showing The Division gameplay was leaked on the web this week which showed new locations and weapons from the game, it remains the trending topic in the year’s game launch schedule.


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