Thor, the 2011 American Superhero film based on Marvel Comics, received the positive response from film critics. The first movie in the Thor Series released in May 2011 in the United States. Thor: The Dark World released two years later in November 2013. The third installment of the Thor series – Thor: Ragnarok is all set to be released this year. The first two movies in the series have set expectations really high. Though there hasn’t been any news on Thor: Ragnarok for quite some days now, in October, we did get a sneak-peek into the new Thor costume. It’s time for more details on the cast, plot and the release date for the highly anticipated movie.
Thor: Ragnarok Plot And Cast
Thor: Ragnarok will be based on Planet Hulk comics. With Mark Ruffalo playing the role of Hulk, fans are in for a treat with a big clash between Hulk and Thor. According to reports, the battle will be the most breathtaking part of the movie and will take place in a true gladiator-like style environment. Miek is a key figure in the Planet Hulk universe and an actor named Steve, introduced by director Taika Waititi in a teaser, will likely play the role of Miek.
Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins, Chris Hemsworth and Jaimie Alexander will all reprise their original respective roles. A plot leak hints at Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie teaming up to find the Soul Stone with an intention to defeat Loki and Hela. Cate Blanchett is expected to make her debut in Marvel universe as Hela, the Goddess of Death. Her character will be central to the new movie as she leads a massive army of the undead. Karl Urban will also be part of the cast as Skurge and Tessa Thompson joins the cast as Valkyrie. Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill of Jurassic Park fame are also part of the cast.
Thor: Ragnarok Release Date
2017 is definitely an exciting year for all Marvel fans. Marvel is expected to release three titles in 2017. As per latest reports, Marvel has scheduled Thor: Ragnarok for a November 3rd, 2017 release. Still a good 10 months away! But expect to see more updates as the release date approaches.