Survivor: Game Changers Season 34, the reality show on CBS network, will soon enter its final. After the results of Episode 11, speculations are rife that contestant Sarah Lacina has the potential to emerge victoriously.

Police Officer by occupation, this reality TV star is not participating in the Survivor series for the first time. As per media reports she has been first seen in Survivor: Brains v/s Brawn v/s Beauty that is Season 28. In that season she was kicked out early from the game. Perhaps that is the reason why she is seen playing every challenge in ongoing season in full spirit. She might be seen among Survivor: Game Changers Season 34 final 3 contestants.

Zeke Smith Voted Out; Talks About Sarah Lacina

Contestant Jeff Varner has faced the wrath of other contestants and was voted out for outing Zeke Smith. And in the last week, Episode 11, Smith has been voted out by other contestants.

According to Zeke, Lacina is playing very well in the reality show. He says, “I think what Sarah is doing right is that Sarah is driving the action.” He further explains, “Sarah has been a determining factor in every single vote that you have seen thus far, but nobody knows it,” reported Gold Derby.

The website also reveals why Zeke feels Lacina is a threat but nobody is noticing it. He says, “Sarah is making power move after move and no one is calling her out as a threat.” This drops a hint that if she continues her game, she might reach the top and emerge as the winner.

Survivor: Game Changers Season 34
Photo Credit: Facebook/Survivor

Who Will Win Survivor: Game Changers Season 34?

Troyzan Robertson, Brad Culpepper, Sara Lacina, Sierra Dawn- Thomas, Cirie Fields, and Aubrey Bracco are teased as the final six contestants, reported Celeb Dirty Laundry. The website further reveals that Troyzan, Brad, and Sara will reach the final three. If these spoilers are true then, it means contestants, Cirie, Andrea, Michaela, and Aubrey might be voted out in the coming weeks’ episode.

Survivor Episode 12 Spoilers

The official synopsis of “It Is Not a High Without a Low” episode reveals that an emotional reward challenge brings loved ones together” it continues,  “…and one castaway receives invaluable advice from their special visitor,” as per media reports.  This episode will air on May 10, on CBS network 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT. The finale of this reality show will take place on May 24.


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