Street Fighter V is an upcoming fighting video game being developed by Dimps for PS4 and PC. If you own a PS4 and are wondering how much free space you will need in your console in-order to store Street Fighter V, then stop wondering because the product page of the game on the PlayStation Store has been updated by Sony, which has revealed the file size of the game on PS4.

Those who plan to get Street Fighter V digitally on PS4 through the PlayStation Store will be surprised to know that Street Fighter V will only occupy around 6.0GB of your console’s hard drive.

Street Fighter V

Though we pretty much expected it to be small as the beta’s of the game, which were held from time to time, also had a small file size. The file size will most likely increase after Capcom releases the free Story mode updates some time after the game’s release, in June 2016. On the other hand, you won’t have to worry about clearing a lot of space from your console in-order to store this upcoming fighting title. Unravel’s file size for PS4 was also revealed some time ago, which is also surprisingly only 3GB.

Street Fighter V is set to launch for PC and PS4 after one week, on February 16, 2016. The game is the fifth major installment in the critically acclaimed Street Fighter series and is being developed by Dimps and published by Capcom.

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