Steven Universe, an animated series, which features a young half-human “Steven Universe” who lives in a fictional city i.e. the beach city and breaths fun with three humanoid aliens. The show has been a massive entertainer and has brought an incredible rating from the best qualifiers. But things appear to be in a fog for the show since the last telecast of its episode “Gem Harvest”, the future of the show is on the rocks. The ratings have dropped tremendously which has led to rumors of cancellation of the show.
Why these rumors? Many of the show’s episode titles haven’t been released as yet. According to a report by JobsnHire, the show has not been able to make up to its once-earned high ratings. The next episode, “Three Gems and A Baby” will act like a throwback episode for the father (Greg) and son (Steven). Since Steven was born in December, the expectations of Rose Quartz making an appearance are high by the fans. Considering all the parameters, Steven’s birthday and Greg making a comeback, the chances of the series being shut down are high. Fans have already started to presume that the show might end soon but hopes are still on the surface as there is no official statement from the makers.
The previous episode “Gem Harvest” earned a very less viewership i.e. only 1.3 million. Fans were disappointed as the show had nothing more to offer other than a simple family gathering. The next episode which is scheduled to be aired on Thanksgiving i.e. December 1st will demonstrate Steven fusing another gem, which is worth a wait for the fans. Let’s hope the show gains its foot again in the industry.