Stars Wars Episode 8 is written and directed by Rian Johnson, the American writer, producer, director and voice actor who won the Special Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival for his debut feature film Brick. Rian Johnson has directed The Brothers Bloom (2008) and Looper (2012), as well as three episodes of the AMC series Breaking Bad. In March 2015, Rian Johnson was announced as the writer and director of upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII, the second film in the sequel trilogy and the eighth film in the Star Wars saga.


A fan recently tweeted on Twitter and expressed his disappointment, conveying that the Star Wars prequel film was a really bad idea.


Jeet Heer, another Twitter user agreed and tweeted – “Completely agree – prequels were bad idea  even apart from poor execution. Ideally, Star Wars should exfoliate away from past to new stories”. The Star Wars Episode VIII director reacted to Jeet Heer’s post and tweeted – “@HeerJeet Pssst. Devil’s advocate: the prequels are a 7 hour long kids movie about how fear of loss turns good people into fascists”

Several fans have expressed their disappointment and dislike about making the prequel trilogy. It was high time Rian Johnson responded to the growing discontent. And he finally did respond, explaining about the prequels. It looks like Rian Johnson’s explanation was quite convincing. He rightly justified the idea of prequels and tried to win the confidence of fans.

The official launch trailer hasn’t been scheduled yet. The trailer is expected in the next few months, possibly April during Star Wars celebration.


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