The MacBook Pro 2016 models were unveiled during last week, bringing slimmer chassis, new Touch Bar, and sixth-generation Skylake processors. Fans from all over the world are pretty excited about new MacBook Pros, but owners of new iPhone 7 aren’t so excited about new laptop models since they can’t plug their phones into new laptops.


When Apple unveiled iPhone 7/7 Plus models, one of the biggest disappointments was the lack of a 3.5 mm audio jack. You can connect classic headphones to the iPhone 7 with an adapter that’s sold separately. With the new MacBook models having only USB Type-C and Thunderbolt connectors, plugging the new iPhone is impossible, since the phone is equipped with a Lighting port and comes with Lighting to USB Type adapter.

Apple did provide two adapters for connecting iPhone 7 with the latest MacBook, both being sold separately. First is a USB Type-C to USB cable, which costs $19; the other is a UCB-C to Lighting cable that costs $25. Fans are disappointed, one Reddit user said that “It’s clear Apple is a mess internally. No cohesion and no solid vision. It’s frustrating and makes me wonder if I made a mistake getting an iPhone 7 instead of looking into android. I love iOS But I also like being able to have unified experiences.”

apple macbook pro 2016 official image

The worst thing is that neither adapter comes with the new MacBook Pro models or the iPhone 7, they must be bought separately. This might be seen as a minor problem in today’s world of cloud solutions, but many users still want to connect phones with a physical cable, allowing them to manage music and apps via iTunes. Rumors talk that Apple is thinking about equipping the upcoming iPhone 8 with a UCB Type-C connector since the new MacBook Pros are using only USB-C and Thunderbolt ports.


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