Qualcomm revealed its upcoming flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 835, a couple of months ago. The reveal didn’t bring lots of info regarding the chip, aside from that it will be made in the 10nm production process, that will sport new generation of Kryo cores, and that the chip will be more energy-efficient than its predecessor. Recently, a leaked screenshot revealed GeekBench scores for the Snapdragon 835, which weren’t impressive. Now, lots of slides got leaked ahead of the CES, showing lots of info about the upcoming chip.
The slides leaked on Weibo, with VideoCardz being the first to spot them. According to slides, the upcoming Snapdragon 835 will be definitely built on the 10nm production process. It will be up to 27 percent faster than last year’s Snapdragon 820. The processor is made out of two clusters, each housing four cores (Kryo 280). Performance cluster is supporting clocks up to 2.45 GHz (if you remember, GeekBench showed a unit working just on 1.9 GHz, meaning that that unit was just a test prototype), while the Efficiency cluster works on clocks up to 1.9 GHz. The Efficiency cluster will operate eighty percent of the time, with the Performance cluster jumping in only during demanding tasks.
The chip sports half the power consumption of Snapdragon 801, and packs the X16 LTE modem, the first chipset supporting a gigabit-class LTE modem. Snapdragon 835 will be equipped with a new Adreno 540 GPU, supporting 60 times more colors and offering up to twenty-five percent faster rendering. The Adreno 540 GPU supports 10-bit 4K 60fps video playback, as well as support for OpenGL ES, Vulkan, and DirectX 12 graphics.
Quick Charge 4 technology included with the Snapdragon 835 offers five hours of battery life on a single five-minute charge, while a 15-minute charge will charge the battery yup to 50 percent. Spectra Camera ISP (image signal processor) comes with a support for smooth zoom, fast autofocus and “true to life colors.”
The first models coming with Snapdragon 835 are Samsung Galaxy S8 and LG G6.