Developed by Maxis, ‘The Sims 4’ is the fourth installment of the life simulation video game series ‘The Sims.’ It has become a highly successful game since its release in May 2013. This is one of the highly popular games that is set to bring constant updates for the gamers. However, fans are incessantly craving for more in-game features and we believe Electronic Arts will soon bring new downloadable contents (aka DLC) for the game.

The Sims 4
Photo Source: Facebook/The Sims

‘The Sims 4’ is making its ground to come to consoles. The video game lovers will be happy to know that Electronic Arts has planned to release the new version of the fourth installment for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One soon. This is a beautiful news as the game will no longer remain as PC exclusive, as reported by Blorge.

The website further reported the previous version titled ‘The Sims 3’ initially was PC exclusive for a few years at the beginning but Electronic Arts later brought an alteration by moving it to the consoles. This strategy skyrocketed its sales fantastically. Now we are quite sure that Electronic Arts wants to apply similar business strategy on ‘The Sims 4’ with a dream that its sale will take a new height. Although there is a countless rumor over the web world regarding the release of ‘The Sims 5,’ its release actually depends on the financial performance of the fourth installment.

Electronic Arts has confirmed that the official release date of ‘The Sims 4’ for consoles is Friday, November 17, 2017. However, the gamers have one more expectation – it should come out for Nintendo consoles. There is no declaration on it yet but it seems the management is secretly planning for another updates to meet the gamers’ expectations.

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