Premium network Showtime on Thursday confirmed that it has updated the Showtime iOS app. Among other features, the update also brings the ability to download episodes for offline viewing. What it essentially means that now cord cutters, as well as cable subscribers, will have the option to watch their favorite shows such as “Billions” and “Homeland” even when there are at places with no internet connectivity.

Showtime iOS app enables downloads for offline viewing

The feature allowing downloading of content has been extended to both the Showtime streaming app and Showtime Anytime, AppleInsider reports.

Worth noting, Showtime Anytime requires users to have a subscription via their cable providers. As of today, the list of participating providers include the likes of Dish, AT&T, Comcast, Charter/Spectrum, DirectTV, Verizon, and Optimum.

The Showtime streaming app, however, brings users a free trial period lasting one month, following which the subscription mode kicks in at a rate of $10.99 a month. The premium content is available as in-app purchases.

Both these apps are compatible with tvOS, although offline support has not been extended to the Apple TV.

Earlier this week, Showtime was reported to be one prime candidate for being inducted into the Apple pay TV bundle. Other premium networks that are believed to be in talks with Cupertino includes Starz and HBO.

Apart from owning the rights to ongoing popular TV series such as Shameless, Homeland, Ray Donovan, and The Affair, the CBS-owned network also offers a number of popular concluded TV shows such as Weeds, Dexter, and Californication.


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