Popular BBC TV series “Sherlock” has been an immensely successfully venture, both for the creators as well as the actors. Leading the show as Sherlock and John are Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, but the successful stars are not able to give enough time to the show that catapulted them to fame. Sherlock Season 4 is long overdue, and it is being said that the next season will air in the first half of 2017.

sherlock season 4

At the end of Season 3 (and in the Christmas special “The Abominable Bride”), the makers hinted that Jim Moriarty may return. But that’s not the most exciting part. What makes the fourth season of Sherlock spicier is the introduction of the third and the eldest Holmes brother, Sherrinford Holmes.

Now if you quickly google “Sherrinford Holmes”, you won’t find much about him except a small piece in Wikipedia that mentions him as the hypothetical brother of Sherlock and Mycroft. In the last episode of the third season, Mycroft was noted saying “I’m not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion. You know what happened to the other one.” That, coupled with the latest rumors and speculations, suggests that Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat are all ready to introduce the third sibling in the show.

But wait; it’s about to get more exciting. Unlike Sherlock and Mycroft who are on the good side of the world, Sherrinford Holmes is apparently going to have a negative character. Yes, he is extremely intellectual, probably more than his younger brothers, but he uses his brains to endanger the world instead of saving it.Some reports say that it was Sherrinford who mentored Jim Moriarty against Sherlock. If that’s true, then Sherlock and Mycroft are going to have a rough (and an emotional) time in Sherlock Season 4.

Some reports say that it was Sherrinford who mentored Jim Moriarty against Sherlock. If that’s true, then Sherlock and Mycroft are going to have a rough (and an emotional) time in Sherlock Season 4. So after all, Sherlock’s nemesis might not be Jim but Sherrinford, his own blood. Family drama is on its way!

One of the biggest speculations surrounding this Sherrinford rumor is that the third Holmes brother will be played by none other than the Thor actor Tom Hiddleston (aka Loki in Marvel Cinematic Universe). Though the officials haven’t confirmed it, Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss (who also plays Mycroft in the show), may already have let out the secret. In a recent Comic Con interview, he was asked whether they would cast Tom Hiddleston if given the chance. To this, Mark replied secretively, “Who says we haven’t?”.

Tom Hiddleston is a very powerful actor and will definitely take the show to another level. If all the speculations do turn out to be true, then Sherlock Season 4 will be much more exciting and cool than it ever was.

More details are expected soon, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, here’s the teaser trailer for Sherlock 4 (2017):


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