Recently, Samsung announced its latest smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S3 featuring its Exynos 7270 processor. The new processor is made for wearables. Now, Samsung has announced that it has started mass production on the new processor.

Samsung Exynos 7270 SoC

The new 14nm Exynos 7270 SoC is manufactured using the 14nm FinFET process. The company uses its’s packaging technology, the SiP-ePoP (System-in-Package, embedded Package on Package). Samsung claims that its is better performance over its predecessor, and is optimized for wearables. It integrates NAND flash with the processor, using a special heat-resistant properties and a dedicated Power management IC.

The Exynos 7270 is powered by two Cortex-A53 cores, which clock at 1.0GHz. It is 30% more power-efficient than its predecessor. Its features include A Cat. 4 LTE non-CA modem, WiFi, FM radio, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS and GLONASS. The Exynos 7270 comes with a reference platform with NFC and various other sensors which are currently available for electronics manufacturers. The processor supports screens with resolutions of up to qHD (960 x 540) and up to a 5-megapixel camera.

As per Samsung, the slim and compact processor will allow electronics manufacturers to customize the design of the wearable in a more free manner. Also, it is the first in its class to come with built-in LTE. The Gear S3 Frontier was Samsung’s first LTE-enabled smartwatch out of the box. The Samsung Gear S3 came in two variants, the Gear S3 Classic version and a Gear S3 Frontier version. The latest smartwatch is expected to be available in late October.


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