Following the Snapdragon 810’s questionable commercial performance, Qualcomm came under tremendous pressure to perform in the ensuing months or compromise its relevance to Samsung. It’s obviously too early to say how things will move on in the future – that’s for the success or failure of the future Qualcomm chips to decide. But, for now at least, the love affair between Qualcomm and Samsung seems to be going on as usual.

Via WCCF Tech

According to a report by South Korean portal ET News published earlier this week, Samsung bagged a fresh deal to manufacture Qualcomm’s next-generation high-end Snapdragon 830 chip.

It is also being reported that nearly 50% of the Galaxy S8 units will be powered by the SD 830 mobile processor while the remaining will make use of the Galaxy maker’s forthcoming Exynos 8895 chipset. The Galaxy S8 is expected to launch by the end of Q1 2017 (In Feb, to be more specific).

If the report is indeed accurate, the SD 830 will be built using 10-nanometer production technology.

Just like with the SD 820 chips, Samsung is likely to be the sole manufacturer of the next-generation Qualcomm chip. While we don’t have any info on the financial aspects of the deal, it is perhaps worth more than $1 billion considering the deal for SD 820 itself reportedly stood at somewhere around $1 billion.

Neither of the companies has released any statement regarding the rumored deal, so take this as only a well-sourced rumor for the time being.


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