Samsung has just released the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ that feature the most powerful Qualcomm mobile chipset, the Snapdragon 835. However, Samsung and Qualcomm are reportedly working on Snapdragon 845 that will be powering the Galaxy S9 as well as the Galaxy Note 9 flagship smartphones coming next year.

The Snapdragon 835 is the first generation 10nm chipset from Qualcomm. The chipset maker is now allegedly developing the Snapdragon 845. Once the development process is finished, the manufacturing process of the second generation 10nm Qualcomm chipset will begin with Samsung or Taiwan-based TSMC.

Snapdragon 845

TSMC is also going to supply Apple with 10nm process based A11 chipset for the upcoming iPhones. Even if Qualcomm chooses TSMC to build the Snapdragon 845, Samsung can mass produce next generation Exynos chipset for Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9. There is a possibility that Samsung may clinch the deal with Qualcomm as the South Korean company has now finished the development of second generation chipset built with 10nm process

Some speculations claim that SD 845 is a 7nm chipset. Samsung’s LSI wing has hinted that it will begin with the mass production of 7nm chipset in early 2018. The new chipset is expected to consume 15 percent less power and produce 10 percent better performance. It is also expected to carry improvements for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The Snapdragon 845 moniker is the not the official name of the successor of the Snapdragon 835, However, industry sources claim that Snapdragon 845 is the next Qualcomm chip.


At the beginning of April, reports started claiming that Samsung has already begun working on Galaxy S9.  It appears that after the discontinuation of Galaxy Note 7, Samsung is following a strict quality control procedure. Hence, it is said to be six months ahead of schedule. The South Korean company has reportedly started developing Galaxy S9 screens since late March in a bid to produce supply samples from the middle of this month. A month after producing the display, the development of other key components of Galaxy S9 are rumored to begin.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 has a 5.8-inch QHD+ screen and the Galaxy S8+ has a 6.2-inch QHD+ display. Since these are first Galaxy S series phones to feature such huge screens, it is likely that the Galaxy S9 will also feature a 5.8-inch display and the Galaxy S9+ will also be arriving with a 6.2-inch screen.


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