After several reports of the battery combustion exploded all over, Samsung had to recall its flagship smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7. Now, new reports claim that even the replacement models of the Note 7 also retain the battery flaws. Apparently, the company has now stopped Samsung Galaxy Note 7 production for now.
According to reports from South Korean publications, the company has stopped production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after overheating issues cropped up in replacement devices too. A Samsung official stated that the halt was done in cooperation with safety regulators from South Korea, China, and the United States.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was launched in mid-August. Initially considered one of the best Android phones ever made, the flagship device soon encountered trouble. Soon after launch, reports started pouring in about the battery problems causing overheats and even fires. This led to several important agencies putting bans on the new devices across the world. Samsung had to issue a global recall last month. So far, the company claims to have recovered more than half of its defective handsets. However, the good news for the company was that about 90 percent of people choose to trade their old Note 7 in for a new model. the company also relaunched its devices in certain regions.
However, last week, few reports of overheating in replacement devices surfaced online. As per reports, one such overheating caused the evacuation of a Southwest Airlines flight, while another injured a teenage girl. Carrier partners like AT&T and T-Mobile have stopped selling the Note 7 and are letting customers exchange a replacement Note 7 for a different phone.
So far, Samsung has not officially confirmed its plan to stop production of the Note 7. On Sunday, it stated that the company is ‘working diligently with authorities and third party experts’ to investigate the problem with the replacement Notes. It added that ‘if we determine a product safety issue exists, Samsung will take immediate steps approved by the [Consumer Product Safety Commission] to resolve the situation.’
At this point, it would be a good move for Samsung to drop the Note 7 and focus on the upcoming devices, which are also in different stages of production. The battery issues have already hurt the company’s reputation to a certain extent. Additionally, the competition from new Apple iPhone 7 models and the newly launched Google Pixel smartphones will adversely affect the re-sales. Recent reports have stated that the Samsung is working on bringing several cool features in the Galaxy S8 including VR.