The Samsung Galaxy A9 was announced in China earlier this month and is expected to go on sale soon in early 2016. The phone will be launched first in China and might reach other markets soon after. Until now, the price for the phone wasn’t revealed by the company, but a new leak shows that the Galaxy A9 will get a price tag of less than $500.
As reported by PhoneArena, a screenshot leaked on Weibo shows that the Samsung Galaxy A9 will cost CNY 3,199 in China. That roughly translates to around $493. Though there is a high chance that the price might change when the phone goes on sale officially.
The Galaxy A9 features a huge 6-inch Super AMOLED Full HD screen and gets a full metal body with a thickness of just 7.4 mm. Under the hood is a 1.8 GHz Snapdragon 652 octa-core processor with 3GB RAM and 16GB internal expandable storage. Photos are clicked by a 13MP rear and 5MP front cameras, while the phone is juiced by a 3300 mAh battery.
Though Samsung does ask a premium price for its devices, the under-$500 tag seems fine for a phone with such sweet specs. Any takers at this price?