Contrary to what Mukesh Ambani said during its commercial launch, getting a Reliance Jio sim card these days is far from being easy. But even if you managed to get yourself one with some luck, using the sim card to its full potential is another headache.

how to solve reliance jio calling issue

The foremost issue that many Reliance Jio customers are facing today, however, is that they are not able to make calls as easily as one would hope for.

There could be many possible reasons for this. But the most common reason faced by many is that……

….. Their phone doesn’t support VoLTE

This is one reason why the bulk of the existing Jio users are unable to make voice calls seamlessly. But in all fairness, this is actually your smartphone’s problem, not Jio’s.

In order to be able to make voice calls using Jio, your smartphone should support VoLTE. Having only LTE support won’t help in making calls. That’s because LTE is just for data, and is not enough for allowing voice calls through mobile data.

So, if you are currently unable to make calls using Reliance Jio, odds are high your phone doesn’t support VoLTE. But having said that, there’s a way around this issue. It’s pretty simple.

All you have to do is download the Jio4GVoice app (formerly known as JioJoin). Simple as that! Once installed, the app will allow you make not only voice calls but even HD video calls.

Other possible reasons may include

    • Mobile data off: Always keep your mobile data on when trying to make a call using the Reliance Jio sim card.
  • Tele-Verification for calls wasn’t done: Reliance has separate tele-verification for both data and calls. It is recommended that you dial 1977 for your tele-verification as it will verify your credentials for both data and calls.
  • Network-busy issue: Many telcos are currently in dispute with Reliance over Jio. So if you keep getting a network busy alert, probably that’s because other networks have currently blocked you from calling their customers. In this case, you have no other way but to wait till these companies reach an agreement sometime in the foreseeable future.


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