After the delay in commercial launch, the publicly launch of Reliance Jio is imminent. With the Reliance Jio Preview Offer, Reliance has struck the right cord with the large mobile data customer base in India. Reliance Jio offers HD voice calling with VoLTE (Voice over LTE) support and super-fast internet connectivity. Reliance is also trying to differentiate itself from a host of 4G plans and services being offered by several telecom operators in India. As a differentiating factor, it recently released an app, called Jio Play, that allows you to listen to music, watch on-demand movies, music videos and get access to Hotstar premium content.

To those who purchase LYF-branded smartphones, Reliance is offering a 90-day preview offer of its Jio 4G services. The offer is also available on other select brands like Samsung. One of the best ways to enjoy this preview offer is to buy a budget LYF Smartphone for as low as INR 2999. You can also use the hotspot to grant free Wi-Fi access to up to 10 devices. While 2999 seems to be a decent price to pay for the incredible 90-day offer, Reliance has just launched another device at an even lower price!

According to phoneradar, Reliance has launched the all-new JioFi MiFi device. This device is available in Reliance Digital, Digital Xpress and Digital Xpress Mini stores and is sold without invites. The devices costs INR 2899 and comes with a Jio 4G SIM, with the 90-day Jio preview offer. The preview offer gives 90 days of unlimited voice calls, SMS, 4G data and access to Jio suite of apps. The device is basically a tiny hotspot device, allowing you to connect up to 31 devices simultaneously. With LYF smartphones, the number is limited to 10.

With so many announcements and so many offers, people are desperately waiting for the commercial launch of Jio in India. However no confirmation has been provided by Reliance regarding when the service would be launched. All we now know is that the service will be launched in the second half of 2016. It’s September already and we still don’t hear anything about the official launch of Jio.

While the wait for commercial launch continues, feel free to post your experiences in the comments section if you happen to own one of these devices already!


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