Reliance Jio has quietly launched a new JioFi device with an OLED display. The new device also comes with an improved 2600mAh battery. It is priced at INR 1,999. The new JioFi 4G wireless hotspot is currently being sold in few cities in India.

Reliance Jio JioFi 4G Hotspot With OLED Display Launched At INR 1,999
Courtesy: @IamRaghvendraS

Pictures of the new device were shared by a Twitter user Raghvendra (@IamRaghvendraS). The shared pictures of the new device show a ‘Designed in India’ logo at the back of the device.

The Reliance Jio JioFi 4G Hotspot device is larger than its predecessor. It sports a squarish shape with smooth edges, while the original wireless hotspot device featured glossy egg-shaped design. The new device has a sleek matte finish design. It features an OLED display housed on the top. The new Reliance Jio device shows information such as power ON / OFF, 4G signal strength, Wi-Fi connectivity, SIM card status, battery status, etc.

The new JioFi 4G device also comes with a larger 2600mAh battery. The original version only had a 2300mAh battery. The battery offers up to 5 hours of usage on a single charge. The new device also supports a microSD card up to 32GB.

The Reliance Jio JioFi is useful for turning your whole house into a 4G Wi-Fi zone. The portable device can be easily carried with you across the city. Also, it allows you to use 4G LTE on your phone even if it doesn’t support VoLTE via the Jio Join app. The app allows you to place calls and send messages through the JioFi. The Reliance JioFi also offers free data usage till December 31 under the Jio Welcome Offer.

On the downside, the new JioFi 4G wireless hotspot only supports up to 10 devices. The original could potentially support 31 devices. The price remains the same, though. Original JioFi hotspot was launched at INR 2,899, but prices were slashed to INR 1,999 later.


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