Quantico, a beloved series by fans everywhere in the world, has been suffering from low ratings since a long time now. The show has faced a huge of a drop in its viewership as compared to its first season. The Priyanka Chopra steered series, has been time again playing the terror card which has somewhere gone bit shallow ultimately leading to a drop in ratings.

The makers however who are trying not to make the show get canceled has recently brought a supermodel who in turn will be bringing a dedicated fanbase with himself. According to TVLine, Quantico has recently cast supermodel, Jon Kortajarena. This was again confirmed by Priyanka Chopra on Twitter who posted a selfie of herself with him on set.

A version of Trump Administration on the show

The makers of the show are at present aspiring to bring a real-time act on the show rather than making the show follow a terror story time and again. According to Hollywood Reporter, showrunner, Josh Safran recently said: “We’re in sort of a paradigm shift for the show” and further continued by saying: “We’re now looking at the ways in which people profit off of terror and it allows us to build a plot around something that is real and possible.”

Safran on the note of how fans would react to the current shift in a script, said: “We decided that we were going to do speculative fiction as opposed to staying very close to reality because we knew we could never keep up with reality.” Well, we all love Quantico and having a Trump act on the show will surely bring a crisp turn in the ratings. Stay tuned with us for more updates.


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