Qualcomm has officially unveiled the Snapdragon 820, but the chipset is yet to make an appearance in a production smartphone. However, the smartphone industry is fast growing and there’s no time to wait. Qualcomm’s next SoC, the Snapdragon 830, has already started making rumors. The latest speculation says that the Snapdragon 830 might support up to 8GB of RAM.
Well, that statement doesn’t seem unrealistic at all, especially in the current scenario where more RAM means better phone. And obviously, the next set of flagships that will get the SD830 chipset will need to stack up more RAM for intense performance. Pan Jiutang, Chinese analyst, supports this theory and says that the Snapdragon 830 will get the model number MSM8998.
Well, as of now, it is too early to believe such a news completely, and we suggest you to take this rumor with a pinch of salt. But looking at the fact that smartphones are replacing PCs in most of the daily life tasks, the idea of packing more RAM into smartphones seems totally logical. Meanwhile, it is also being said that the Snapdragon 830 will be made using a new 10nm product process. Let’s wait for more concrete news before arriving at a conclusion.