Project Scorpio is Microsoft’s up and coming behemoth that is touted to run games at full 4K ultra-HD resolution. As of late, Microsoft evacuated the mention of high-fidelity VR from Project Scorpio’s site. The console was revealed at E3 2016 in light of VR. Xbox Scorpio will bolster Hi-Fidelity VR, as per Microsoft at E3 2016. In any case, things got somewhat crude as Microsoft expelled the specify of high-fidelity VR from Scorpio’s site. Taking after the change on Scorpio’s site, a Microsoft delegate says that the Xbox Scorpio will bolster full high-fidelity VR.

Project Scorpio will bolster high-fidelity VR as guaranteed before
The delegate of Microsoft confirmed that the up and coming console is without a doubt going to bolster high-fidelity VR. In any case, the delegate did not clarify why the mention of high-fidelity VR was expelled from Xbox Scorpio’s site.
As per the Microsoft delegate, when Project Scorpio ships not long from now it will be the most intense console ever. It will be worked with a 6 teraflop GPU to convey genuine 4K gaming, high-constancy VR encounters, and more noteworthy realistic devotion to gameplay experiences. We don’t have anything extra to share right now as of this moment.
Source: Gamespot