AMD has already launched its much-hyped RX 480 a few days back, and custom variants will get released soon. In the meantime, a new image has leaked out by VideoCardz, and it is being said that the GPU in the photo is none other than the PowerColor Radeon RX 480 DEVIL that the PowerColor team is currently working on.


As you can see in the image above, the PowerColor RX 480 DEVIL boasts of a very cool-looking custom PCB with a triple-fan design that certainly looks devilish. Note that there’s a 8-pin power connector here, and it is being said that the card will overclock above 1.4GHz. It has got a DVI port too.


In the teaser above, you can note that the card is referred to as “DEVIL”, hence the speculated name. The specs of the RX 480 DEVIL are not yet known, but there are rumors that it will give a tough fight to Nvidia’s GTX 1060 or might even beat it significantly. What’s worth pondering upon is that the sources claim more than 1.4GHz of overclock when other reviewers were not being able to overclock the card more 1.38GHz. Let’s wait and watch if the DEVIL really is a devil performer.


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