A new Pokemon GO update has been launched. Niantic releases info on the Shiny Pokemon after the Water Festival Event ends.
The first ever mega Pokemon Go Water festival Event ended recently. Niantic has released a new Pokemon Go update near the end of Water Festival. The update involves the Shiny Pokemon and details about them as well.
We know Pokemon Go currently has only two Shiny Pokemon named as Magikarp and Gyarados. So, the recent Pokemon Go update has allowed all the players to enjoy keep capturing the rare Pokemon. All the players who have been failing to capture shiny Pokemon, can now have more time to capture them both.
The Water Festival ended and most of the players thought that the Shiny Pokemon will also be gone now. But, Niantic has left Magikarp and Gyarados in the game. Niantic gave a statement with the news of Water Festival’s end time and they stated that “The Water Festival has come to an end, but rare golden Magikarp are still out there. Keep an eye out, Trainers.”
However, the shiny Pokemon will now spawn in much lower numbers but they’ll be available for fans to grab them.
Until now, Niantic has never said a word about the shiny Pokemon in spite of the Water Festival being ended. However, if Niantic would have snatched out the Shiny Pokemon out of the game, it would definitely have started an uproar by the fans. If of course the fans hadn’t been warned before the removal of the shiny Pokemon.
Based on the recent events, it’s highly likely that the next Pokemon Go update will bring more events like the Water Festival and there would also be one or two new shiny Pokemon released as well. If it happens to be true, players will take more interest in the game.
This news follows the recent news about Pokemon Go that Niantic has released a new update specifically for the Android devices. This new Android update was supposed to fix some of the bugs that were introduced after the previous update 0.59.1. Unfortunately, the bugs are not fully fixed for everyone in the latest update 0.59.2.
Some of the data miners have confirmed that the newest update fixed some of the bugs and two new game sponsors were included.
Fans throughout the world are waiting for Niantic to release more Water Festival like events and introduce more Shiny Pokemon in the game. However, it depends solely on Niantic to fulfill the desires of the fans. Let’s see what the next big Pokemon Go update brings to the table.