In case you don’t know, the Pangu team has already released the iOS 9.1 jailbreak some days ago and is now working on the Apple TV 4 jailbreak. Yes, there’s a jailbreak coming for the 4th Gen Apple TV, something we did not think about earlier. Pangu team officially made the announcement for the Apple TV 4 jailbreak on the same day when they released the jailbreak for iOS 9.1. It was being said that the jailbreak for Apple TV 4 would be coming in a few days, but it seems like it’s going to take a few more days.

apple tv

Team Pangu tweeted on Saturday that they need a few more days to test the Apple TV 4 jailbreak properly. While this delay might disappoint some people, it’s just a few more days of wait. Moreover, Pangu’s efforts to test the jailbreak thoroughly before releasing is worth appreciating, as the last thing we want is a buggy jailbreak causing issues in our devices. Pangu’s tweet also said that they would be releasing an IPA file that the users would first need to sign before sideloading it on their Apple TV 4.

It was earlier announced by Pangu that the jailbreak would be running on all Apple TV 4 devices that are on the tvOS 9.0 or 9.0.1 firmware. If you are not on these versions of tvOS, you won’t be able to use the upcoming jailbreak, as upgrading or downgrading the Apple TV software or restoring it to a specific version is currently not possible. If you are ready to pay for a jailbroken Apple TV, go to an Apple Store and buy an Apple TV 4 that has been manufactured before December 2015. Also check serial number and other details to make sure that the device you are buying runs tvOS 9.0 or tvOS 9.0.1.

Pangu had mentioned that this new Apple TV 4 jailbreak might not be of much use to the end users and is mainly concentrated towards developers and security researchers, who will be able to create a new jailbreak world with jailbreak apps and app stores like Cydia and tweaks in iOS jailbreaks. Of course, once the jailbreak is released, developers will come forward with new ideas and the possibilities are endless, so the end users will surely benefit in the long run.

We’ll let you know once the Pangu Apple TV 4 jailbreak comes out. Keep checking back!


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