Blizzard as of late restricted around 20,000 players in South Korea. They were purportedly hacking the game by means of outsider projects to pick up the high ground. Presently Overwatch developer Blizzard has likewise issued a notice to its PS4 and Xbox One players as well. They utilize a keyboard and mouse to play the game which is disapproved of by the developer.
Overwatch Console Players Issued Warning By Blizzard For Playing Game With Keyboard and Mouse
While not undermined straightforwardly with a boycott, the game’s executive objects to the strategy of utilizing a keyboard and a mouse on a console. Here is the thing that he needed to state with respect to the matter. “The Overwatch team objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on the console. We have contacted both first-party console manufacturers. Furthermore, we have expressed our concern about the use of mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices. We have lobbied and will continue to lobby for first-party console manufacturers to either do the following. Disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices. OR. Openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for ALL players I encourage you to reach out to the hardware manufacturers and express your concerns. But please do so in a productive and respectful way.”
Be that as it may, sentiment stays partitioned among the fans. One fan was expressing that FPS (First Person Shooters) are not in any case made for consoles. Also, to appreciate the full involvement of the game you require a console and mouse bolster.
Source: Blizzard