Outlander, the British-American television drama series based on the historical time travel Outlander series of novels by Diana Gabaldon and developed by Ronald D Moore for Sony Pictures Television, premiered in August 2014. The show has received a highly favorable response, with The Huffington Post calling the very first episode “A masterpiece of impressive depth”, while Entertainment weekly gave the premiere an ‘A’ rating, calling it “sexy, smart and stirring”. The second season, which concluded in July 2016, also received positive reviews from critics. While we wait for Season 3, which is all set to air in September, Droughtlander continues and Matthew B Roberts has something to talk about it!
Outlander Season 3: Matthew B Roberts talks about Droughtlander
Droughtlander this year has been the longest. To keep the fans engaged during the Droughtlander, Roberts has been posting pictures from the production set. Fans have been asking for more than just pictures, but Roberts has made it clear that he cannot reveal too much in his posts. Revealing more about the show will, according to Roberts, spoil the “braw moments” and that it’s better for fans to enjoy the anxious wait.
Fans have been commenting on Roberts’ posts, expressing how difficult it has been for them to wait for Outlander Season 3. But they are keen on seeing a high-quality production, rather than a poor show and so are willing to wait. Roberts has also been posting pics taken in South Africa on his Instagram account.
Meanwhile, Gabaldon has explained why the pups were chosen, instead of grown up dogs as the book featured. Since the pups are young, it will help them get trained properly until next year, when filming for the next Season is expected to begin. By then, the dogs will be the right size and will play the role of Young Ian’s dog Rollo.
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