Fans of One Piece anime series will be disheartened to know that their beloved series will be soon replaced by another show on Toonami, meaning that they won’t be able to see any more One Piece on the said channel. According to ComicBook, the One Piece anime series will be replaced by Tokyo Ghoul at the end of this month. This indicates that fans are currently viewing the last few episodes which will air on Toonami.

One Piece To Get Removed Because Of Low Ratings  

It is said that the reason behind One Piece getting replaced by Tokyo Ghoul is because of low ratings and low viewership. Avid fans of the series know that One Piece first premiered on Toonami with episode 207, and millions of viewers watched it. However, as the story of the series progressed, it started to lose a lot of its viewers, mainly because of its slow-moving arcs. The number of viewers has been slowly dropping, which has led to low ratings. Toonami even pushed back One Piece and started airing some new shows such as “Dragon Ball Super” and “Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE: 0096” to get its viewers back.

Tokyo Ghoul To Replace One Piece 

Toonami made this announcement on their Facebook page through a tribute video. According to the TV Network, One Piece will be removed from its scheduled and will be removed from the network on March 25. It will be replaced with Tokyo Ghoul on the same day. Tokyo Ghoul’s story revolves around the life of Ken Kaneki, who is a half ghoul. He currently survives by eating humans after his date went wrong. He later tried to fit in the ghoul society, but he keeps his identity a secret from his friends and controls his hunger in the world of humans.

One Piece

End Of One Piece On Toonami 

March 25 will mark the end of One Piece on Toonami. Fans know that One Piece is one of the longest running series of Toonami. It is also currently one of the most popular anime series out there. However, as its low viewership was becoming a big problem for the TV Network, Toonami had to take some action before things got out of hand. According to Jason DeMarco, the co-creator and producer of Toonami, it was a hard decision, but it had to be done. Toonmai is now going to air Tokyo Ghoul instead of it, which currently has only two seasons.

Let us know if you’re excited to see Tokyo Ghoul or not in the comments below.


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